numberinn ha scritto:
Certo, ma in svizzera non ci sono nemmeno autostrade a 3 corsie fruibili in sicurezza oltre i 120/130. E' questo che intendevo con "non ci sono strade 'così' ".
Sorry... interpretato male.. ingannato dal fatto che quella della foto e' una 2 corsie, non molto dissimile dalla A13 elvetica:
immagini visibili ai soli utenti registrati
o dalla A2:
immagini visibili ai soli utenti registrati
numberinn ha scritto:
Sarà, ma io finora vedo solo un limite "consigliato" e nessuno "reale".
Despite the widespread belief of complete freedom from speed limits (and a lobbying effort that has the same influence and deep pockets as the American gun lobby), some speed regulations can be found on the Autobahns. Many sections do indeed have permanent or dynamic speed limits ranging from 80 to 130 km/h (50-80 mph), particularly those with dangerous curves, in urban areas, near major interchanges, or with unusually constant heavy traffic. In construction zones, the limit may be as low as 60 km/h (37 mph). Also, some sections now feature nighttime and wet-weather speed restrictions, and trucks are always regulated (see table below). Still, about two-thirds of the Autobahn network has no speed permanent limit, although there is always an advisory limit of 130 km/h (81 mph). This recommendation is generally seen for what it is-- an attempt by the government to cover itself without having to upset millions of Porsche and BMW owners (AKA voters.) However, if you exceed the advisory limit and are involved in an accident, you could be responsible for some of the damage costs even if you are not at fault.
fonte: Link a pagina di