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7349408 Inviato: 9 Apr 2009 10:33
Oggetto: DesignerHelmets.com

Salve a tutti.
Vorrei comprare un casco dl sito in oggetto.
C'è qualcuno che ha mai fatto acquisti dal sito DesignerHelmets.com?
E' affidabile? Tempi di consegna? Si può pagare in contrassegno?
Grazie in anticipo.
7349667 Inviato: 9 Apr 2009 11:01

Ciao, i caschi che trovi su quel sito li trovi anche a Torino .... icon_rolleyes.gif
La marca ???
Lo hai misurato ????
Integrale o altro tipo ???
Il pagamento avviene per carta di credito !!!
Affidabile molto di più dei siti italiani.. icon_eek.gif
Poi ci sono le FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

Privacy policy
Shipping Costs
How to buy online
Credit Card Security
Paying by cheque or postal order
Placing an order by Fax
Placing an order by telephone
Privacy policy
DesignerHelmets.com do not disclose buyers information to third parties.

Shipping Costs

Continental Europe £20.00
USA / Canada / Aus / NZ - £25.00
Rest of World £30.00
How to buy online
Making a purchase could not be easier. Just select the items you wish to buy and put them in the shopping cart. After you have finished your selection, click on 'Checkout' and you will be asked for a few details that we need to be able to compete the order.

Credit Card Security
We know of no documented cases of credit card fraud using our shopping system over the internet. All credit card numbers are encrypted in the software when the order is placed using 128 bit encryption.

Paying by cheque or postal order
If you would prefer to pay by cheque or postal order, simply print out the order form and send it to:

Motoretta Limited
2 Halifax Road
West Yorkshire
United Kingdom

Complete with your cheque/postal order made payable to: Motoretta Limited.

Placing an order by Fax
You can simply print out the completed order form, complete with your credit card details, and fax it to: 01422 202 446
From outside the UK: +44 (0) 1422 202 446

Placing an order by telephone
If you would like to place your order by telephone, simply telephone the sales line on: 0870 125 3932
From outside the UK: +44 (0) 870 125 3932

We aim to despatch all goods within 3 days. We try to have the most popular size/colour options in stock, however, in some cases this is not possible and we have to order the item. Any delays will be notified by email, fax or telephone.

Goods may be returned if unused and in saleable condition using the following procedure:

Please send an email stating the reason for return to refunds@DesignerHelmets.com
You will be sent an email containing a returns reference number and details of the returns procedure.
Please note that if returned goods are not received in good condition, a refund may not be issued.
Please allow up to 28 days for your refund, which will be for the full amount of the order, less the cost of delivery.
We believe the contents of our website to be correct in every way, however we reserve the right to change any information without prior notice.

Ciao icon_cool.gif
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