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Foto Motoraduno Guzzi Piedimonte San Germano
1925022 Inviato: 24 Giu 2007 22:58
Oggetto: Foto Motoraduno Guzzi Piedimonte San Germano

icon_lol.gif ancora un bellissimo ed organizatissimo motoraduno, organizzato dagli amici guzzisti di Piedimonte San Germano icon_biggrin.gif

Shot with <Digimax S600 / Kenox S600 / Digimax Cyber 630>. at 1969-12-31

Shot with <Digimax S600 / Kenox S600 / Digimax Cyber 630>. at 1969-12-31

Shot with <Digimax S600 / Kenox S600 / Digimax Cyber 630>. at 1969-12-31

Shot with <Digimax S600 / Kenox S600 / Digimax Cyber 630>. at 1969-12-31

Shot with <Digimax S600 / Kenox S600 / Digimax Cyber 630>. at 1969-12-31

Shot with <Digimax S600 / Kenox S600 / Digimax Cyber 630>. at 1969-12-31

Shot with <Digimax S600 / Kenox S600 / Digimax Cyber 630>. at 1969-12-31
icon_biggrin.gif Un saluto di vero cuore Guzzista a tutto il motoclub e in particolare all' Amico Giuseppe.

Shot with <Digimax S600 / Kenox S600 / Digimax Cyber 630>. at 1969-12-31

Shot with <Digimax S600 / Kenox S600 / Digimax Cyber 630>. at 1969-12-31
icon_eek.gif Per concludere una bellissima e saporita torta Guzzi...............
.........alla prossima icon_wink.gif Giobaffo.
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