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My Jolly 107 and 111 are the same??!!
7498304 Inviato: 2 Mag 2009 20:35
Oggetto: My Jolly 107 and 111 are the same??!!

He guys,

I'm a bit pissed of at the moment.

Last summer I bought a brandnew 08 Jolly Moto 107:

Link a pagina di P1.bikepics.com

One month ago I bought a brandnew 08/09 Jolly Moto 111 SP:

Link a pagina di Img11.imageshack.us

Today I wanted to mount the SP, but when I took the 107 off and compared them I was totaly shoked! icon_eek.gif

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They do look completly the same!!
I gauged(misuare) the different pieces and they are the same!

I don't know what to do now because I bought the 107 as a 107 and the 111 as a 111.
But one of them is not right (but they were labeled as what they should be..)

It can't be the truth that they're the same except of the back conus?!

I know that Jolly updates there exhausts very often and I got the newest version, but compared to older SP's mine does look very different when I'm looking at this SP for example:

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Now I have mounted the "sp" and made a testdrive.

The performance is completly the same icon_confused.gif

Maybe they welded the wrong parts togehter.. I don't know.. I'm awaiting an email from Jolly on monday.

But I do now that the newer versions (06+) of the 107 do look like my jolly 107 and my 111 is the same (except of the bushing system back conus) so I think the 111 is wrong.

Also every pic of newer 111 does look different than mine, but they are updated so often.. and also sometimes the pictures are interchanged.

Really fucked up.. So i got the same exhaust twice.

Don't know what to do now icon_sad.gif

I hope someone here can help me

Best regards
7499363 Inviato: 3 Mag 2009 5:16

the exhaust's aren't the same, the last cone is different!
From 07 jolly has change some parametres of 111, but the difference of power is high!
you must set your carburater and set the parameter of cilinder unit for feeling the difference!
7504169 Inviato: 3 Mag 2009 21:02

smarmittato ha scritto:
the exhaust's aren't the same, the last cone is different!
From 07 jolly has change some parametres of 111, but the difference of power is high!
you must set your carburater and set the parameter of cilinder unit for feeling the difference!

To be honest I don't think so.

Here's a pic where I've marked the same cones on my both exhausts (red stripes)
These cones are all the same and have the same diameter eusa_think.gif

Link a pagina di Img14.imageshack.us

And I don't think so that I have to adjust my carbureter etc to feel a difference. With the same setting it should run difference when it's a different exhaust.
At least it should run worse than with 107 cause it can't deliver the same power. But not exactly the same eusa_think.gif
7504268 Inviato: 3 Mag 2009 21:13

no if you look carefully you will notice that there is a difference: infact in the first exhaust you see that the final tube is not welded to the exhaust as in the second one!
so the first one is a 111 instead the second is a 107! 0509_up.gif

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7504348 Inviato: 3 Mag 2009 21:22


Yes I know that but I can't imagine that this little difference of how the backconus is connected makes the large supposed difference of performance.

The 107 is made for stock engines/cylinder and the 111 is for tuned cylinders and other mods.
All this difference of performance that everyone says the 111 is not good on stock cylinder just because of a different welding of the last identical cone? That just makes out some mm.
7504395 Inviato: 3 Mag 2009 21:28

yes its a little bit strange but as smarmittato said before u also have to modify the carburation or u will not see the improvement.. have u done it?
anyway i just noticed that the 2 exhausts in the picture are 2 different exhausts because of that difference..
7504431 Inviato: 3 Mag 2009 21:32

The diameters of the exit-cones are the same?

I think the 111 has a larger one...
7504732 Inviato: 3 Mag 2009 22:10

LorenzoRR ha scritto:
yes its a little bit strange but as smarmittato said before u also have to modify the carburation or u will not see the improvement.. have u done it?
anyway i just noticed that the 2 exhausts in the picture are 2 different exhausts because of that difference..

Hm, no I tried it with the same setup.. But I don't really understand that. When there's a different exhaust on an all the same engine and same carburation setup it should run different. Better or worse, but not the same eusa_think.gif

Well, anyway, which way should I adjust my carb? More rich (grasso) or more lean (magra)?
At the moment I'm a bit rich with a 158 main jet (stock airbox) it's a dellorto 34vhsb carb.


Well the cone itself is nearly the same, the pipe at the end is 1 or 2 mm larger.

But these mm make the difference of use on stock or tuned cyl?? compared to the older jolly sp's the new one looks soo different, and its soo similar to the 107.
7504893 Inviato: 3 Mag 2009 22:43

u should enrich the carb with the 111 0509_up.gif
7505015 Inviato: 3 Mag 2009 23:16

LorenzoRR ha scritto:
u should enrich the carb with the 111 0509_up.gif

Normally I'm using a 152 jet with my 107. Performance is very good. With 158 in 6. gear it fights with rpm, it's running a bit too rich then. So 158 is a bit more rich already but performance is the same as with 107, not that good.

But you say to feel the better power/performance of 111 I have to enrich it, but basically the performance of 2strokes is better with a leaner jetting, so why should the 111 work better with enriched setting when it's not good already?! eusa_think.gif
7505883 Inviato: 4 Mag 2009 9:01

well the 111 clears more out the cylinder so u need more fuel.. and anyway more fuel means more power so its not that u have to be lean absolutely, but it depends on the configuration.. and remember that being to much lean its dangerous u risk to grip the piston..

and the performance it's not only the tipo speed but with the 111 u should also notice that u have more rpm available.. untill 13000..
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