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Comprare una MV 350 S [consigli]
5002842 Inviato: 4 Lug 2008 19:03
Oggetto: Comprare una MV 350 S [consigli]

Ciao a tutti, non sono un esperto di mv d'epoca ho sempre avuto quelle moderne pero mi divertiva comprare il modello in questione visto su internet. Volevo sapere che ne pensate e sopratutto se richiede molta manutenzione. la moto è del 71 e richiede una messappunto generale..non saprei. Qui dove vivo io nel senese ho un meccanico MV quindi la porterei da lui ma non vorrei che mi costa piu che la brutale a mantenrla!!
5031642 Inviato: 8 Lug 2008 9:59
Oggetto: Re: comprare una 350s

albavon, this message comes in english from myself out of Switzerland. I was proud owner during the last some years of a MV350GT. I think this Twin is a strong construction well made to do lots of work by yourself. If you hav't enozough experience with classic material like 70ties bikes, please let your fingers from exotic material like MV. The should no parts missing and damaged. MV parts on retaurable bikes are expensive. Some parts are interchangable with other makes. Grimeca drumbrakes, talelight 350 Morini or V7 or Duc350.
Engine:Look for a possible calibration of both carbs. This is to manage with an additional whole at the inlet trakt like on modern bikes. On my 350GT a longer gearing would be positiv. Bigger Vibrations over 5000rpm seems to be normal.

Ciao have a nice day
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