immagini visibili ai soli utenti registrati
Salve a tutti,
vorrei parlarvi di TRIPMASTER, un software assolutamente gratuito che potenzia le capacità di calcolo del vostro navigatore TomTom. Come saprete i navigatori TomTom non riescono a fare quello che i Garmin indicano come TrackBack: salvare il percorso compiuto per poi rivisitarlo e ripercorrerlo. Non direttamente per lo meno. Facendo una tanto rapida quanto efficace ricerca su internet, sono incappato per l'appunto in Tripmaster. Sinteticamente con Tripmaster puoi:
- the latitude, the longitude and the altitude of the point where you are,
- the direction that you follow, with quantified indication and compass,
- the elapsed total time since the departure, and the elapsed time while moving,
- the total distance since the departure,
- the distance since the last reset of the intermediate trip,
- the instantaneous speed, total average speed and average speed while moving,
- the maximum speed reached since the departure.
- display only if you want it the maximum speed or reset it when you want,
- reset the intermediate trip, while recording simultaneously, if the tracking logs are active, a tracking point, with the mileage carried out since the last reset,
- record periodically your position : latitude, longitude, name of the place, hour and altitude,
- record on-demand your position, with various specific comments,
- define several speed limits, choose one and to be warned when you drive over this limit by a screen display and/or an audible alarm.
choose the format of tracks recording :
- CSV for Excel importation,
- ITN for a re-use in Tomtom navigation application,
- KML for a direct importation in Google Earth,
- GPX for a later conversion in another format for another GPS or a visualization with Google Earth,
- POI for a later use as POIs in Tomtom application
- NMEA to record directly the frames received from the GPS module
- choose the units of distance, speed and altitude, among the metric system or imperial system or nautical system,
- choose the language among : French, English, Spanish, German, Dutch, Italian, Norwegian, Swedish, Danish or Finnish or add another language,
- choose the colors, for a day or night display and to personalize them or use customized backgrounds
- choose to record tracking logs every X seconds or as soon as a certain distance is traversed or as soon as a certain course change is carried out,
- indicate the time shift compared to GMT hour,
- choose to apply or not a geoid correction to altitude and, possibly, define the value of this correction,
- automatically initiate a track recording each time Tripmaster is starting,
- automatically start Tripmaster when your Tomtom reboots
- display the altitude even if Tripmaster is not on foreground
- repeat the audible speed alarm, if requested.
- Tripmaster can also run in background, while Tomtom navigation application is used, and may be recalled on foreground when you want.
display in real time :
immagini visibili ai soli utenti registrati
Tripmaster ha un suo sito principale in cui è spiegato tutto quanto. Io non l'ho ancora installato ma mi sono ripromesso di farlo questa sera. Nel frattempo spero che possa essere utile a voi come informazioni!!
E voi che soluzione di tracking adottate?