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Engine Rebel [Dove trovare il motore completo?]
7835987 Inviato: 13 Giu 2009 17:32
Oggetto: Engine Rebel [Dove trovare il motore completo?]

Where I can buy complete engine for Honda Rebel 250?
7836012 Inviato: 13 Giu 2009 17:39

Quite hard job! You should try on ebay or even on this site,in the auctions section!
7836190 Inviato: 13 Giu 2009 18:19

If someone now who buy or buy engine please tell me icon_exclaim.gif
7837536 Inviato: 13 Giu 2009 23:30

Azz siamo diventati internazionali?
7837562 Inviato: 13 Giu 2009 23:35

Napoletano__ ha scritto:
Azz siamo diventati internazionali?
icon_asd.gif icon_asd.gif icon_asd.gif
7838420 Inviato: 14 Giu 2009 9:39

it's very hard... Honda Rebel isn't an usual motorcycle, you can look on ebay, but i don't think that you will find that engine on this site...
7838609 Inviato: 14 Giu 2009 10:26
7846375 Inviato: 15 Giu 2009 12:54

Yes I see that but I don't know how buy on Ebay becouse I never buy!Do you now how?
7846809 Inviato: 15 Giu 2009 13:34

you have to subscribe an account on ebay, with your name, surname, address, fiscal code, ecc., after this, you can buy, whit bid or direct shop (fixed price), so you can pay the seller in two ways: you can make a banking discount (with an IBAN), or you can pay with a credit card.
For pay with a credit card, you have to subscribe an account on PayPal, and submit your credit card's code to this site.

When you will go on ebay and will subscribe an account, the site itself helps you, it's very easy!
Good luck!
7847039 Inviato: 15 Giu 2009 13:55

Where do you write from? Contact us if you need to ask something to the seller in italian(i think he is italian,isnt'he??)
Bye icon_biggrin.gif
7849706 Inviato: 15 Giu 2009 18:50

I send message owner,price is good,engine is good,owner is from Rome!Do somebody know how I can buy engine without Ebay?Or find owner without Ebay? eusa_think.gif
7850538 Inviato: 15 Giu 2009 20:22

you can ask the seller if he can sell the engine without ebay....
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