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[Husqvarna] Sm-S 125 fron France with Jollymoto full exhaust
12004370 Inviato: 19 Giu 2011 17:47
Oggetto: [Husqvarna] Sm-S 125 fron France with Jollymoto full exhaust

Hi every body,

I'm Koma, an HVA SM-S french enjoyer.
It's a 2008 model with around 1000km from now.
I write in english cause i'm not speaking any word of italian !
Hope you will understand me well as i'm not bilingual too...

As you maybe know, bike's power is restricted in our beautiful country, but 80 to 90% of people change some parts to unrestrict it.

On the SM-S 2008, parts to change are:
- exhaust, I buy a Jollymoto one, that is not very used in France, compared to other brands like Spes, DEP, FMF;
- carburettor parts as : idle and principal jets, the slide, the needle and the atomiser (thank's to the dell Orto website for technical vocabulary !
- maybe the igniton curve in the ECU. But it's hard to find some information about that.

It's quite hard to find information in France on two subjects :

The carburettor set-up with Jollymoto exhaust. I don't know any other people who ride a SM-S with a Jollymoto.
My actual set-up is the following on a VHST 28 BS carburettor:
- Idle jet S36
- mixture screw at 1,5 tour from the max
- Slide 50 and needle D50
- atomiser HN 270.

I think I run too poor for the moment. Will try to adjust the needle hieght.

I there any people here who run a HVA SM-S up to 2008 with a Jollymoto ?

Other subject is about the ECS system from Dell Orto and the ECU.
I heard about two igniton curves in this ECU one for the 11KW restricted power level and the other for the 22KW unrestricted one.
Did you guys have heard something about that ?

Hope you will help me to enjoy my HVA !
Thank you for your answers.

KomA from Paris, France.
12004418 Inviato: 19 Giu 2011 18:00

there's no restricted ignition curve for the ECU. on HVAs you only have to change the exhaust and get a bigger main jet (should be 135 by stock) you have to get a 165-170
12005043 Inviato: 19 Giu 2011 20:12

Husky1992 ha scritto:
there's no restricted ignition curve for the ECU. on HVAs you only have to change the exhaust and get a bigger main jet (should be 135 by stock) you have to get a 165-170

hai usato il traduttore è?
ho capito poco
potete tradurlo in poche parole?
12005308 Inviato: 19 Giu 2011 21:02

marcyx ha scritto:

hai usato il traduttore è?
ho capito poco
potete tradurlo in poche parole?
no ho usato i miei 8 anni di scuola inglese, comunque a cosa ti serve capire la risposta se non capisci la domanda icon_question.gif
12005462 Inviato: 19 Giu 2011 21:36

Now we wants to see some photos 0509_up.gif
12005980 Inviato: 19 Giu 2011 23:34

Here some photos:

immagini visibili ai soli utenti registrati

immagini visibili ai soli utenti registrati

Better ones will come when bike will run better.
I also have a problem due to the TPS sensor on the carburettor.
I have on my dashboard my oil light flicking and the error code "ECU 2" displayed.
I think I'm obliged to get my bike to the garage to fix that.

I run a 172 main jet from now.

I have ask to Jollymoto for carburettor set-up, but did not get any answer.

Anyone on the forum with a Jollymoto on his SM-S ?
12006035 Inviato: 19 Giu 2011 23:52

Ma non lo so io..in un sito italiano..Che scriva italiano no? è come se noi andassimo su un sito inglese di moto e scriviamo in italiano..bah..
Lo stimo però per la forza di volontà e per la passione che mette nello scrivere qua 0509_up.gif

12006116 Inviato: 20 Giu 2011 0:52

Fr-KomA ha scritto:
Here some photos:

Immagine: Link a pagina di I9.photobucket.com

Immagine: Link a pagina di I9.photobucket.com

Better ones will come when bike will run better.
I also have a problem due to the TPS sensor on the carburettor.
I have on my dashboard my oil light flicking and the error code "ECU 2" displayed.
I think I'm obliged to get my bike to the garage to fix that.

I run a 172 main jet from now.

I have ask to Jollymoto for carburettor set-up, but did not get any answer.

Anyone on the forum with a Jollymoto on his SM-S ?
ecu 2 as u said it's the tps sensor, it has a 95% of braking possibilities...go to a HVA garage and get it fixed.
btw I can't figure out what's the main problem u'r asking help for. the 175 main jet should be good as well as the 170 (it depends where u live)
12007273 Inviato: 20 Giu 2011 10:58

Step_95 ha scritto:
Ma non lo so io..in un sito italiano..Che scriva italiano no? è come se noi andassimo su un sito inglese di moto e scriviamo in italiano..bah..
Lo stimo però per la forza di volontà e per la passione che mette nello scrivere qua 0509_up.gif


E' francese, e non sapendo l'italiano scrive in inglese, che è lingua internazionale.
E siamo nel 2011, e a scuola lo studiamo tutti.

Fr-KomA: bravo, cette Husky est tres beau, c'est la première fois que j'ai vu un Français qui monte une Jollymoto icon_wink.gif
12008346 Inviato: 20 Giu 2011 13:48

non sapevo fosse un sito internazionale questo...credevo fosse solo per i motociclisti italiani

bè mi spiace vorrei intervenire ma non so un gran che di inglese 0510_inchino.gif
il francese mai studiato.....
12008563 Inviato: 20 Giu 2011 14:27

Fr-KomA ha scritto:

Better ones will come when bike will run better.
I also have a problem due to the TPS sensor on the carburettor.
I have on my dashboard my oil light flicking and the error code "ECU 2" displayed.
I think I'm obliged to get my bike to the garage to fix that.

I run a 172 main jet from now.

I have ask to Jollymoto for carburettor set-up, but did not get any answer.

Anyone on the forum with a Jollymoto on his SM-S ?

Nice bike, however, here in italy is summer and so temperature is hot (30°), i use a 170 main jet. If in France temperature is hot, you should use a 170 main jet.
12009012 Inviato: 20 Giu 2011 15:41

piero8893 ha scritto:

Nice bike, however, here in italy is summer and so temperature is hot (30°), i use a 170 main jet. If in France temperature is hot, you should use a 170 main jet.

in francia è inverno invece icon_asd.gif
12009278 Inviato: 20 Giu 2011 16:44

Moncio ha scritto:

in francia è inverno invece icon_asd.gif
icon_asd.gif icon_asd.gif
12010176 Inviato: 20 Giu 2011 19:34

Moncio ha scritto:

in francia è inverno invece icon_asd.gif

Huahuhauha, era per avviare la frase icon_asd.gif
12010250 Inviato: 20 Giu 2011 19:46

nice bike dude
where do you live in France?
12010257 Inviato: 20 Giu 2011 19:46

btw...welcome to Tingavert
12010456 Inviato: 20 Giu 2011 20:16


thanks for the comments and welcome messages, much for those in french !

I have appointment at my garage the saturday coming, an do not use my bike during week.
So i will not damage my engine, expect for the few km to my garage.

I live close to Paris.

I have read that when TPS sensor is in error, oil pump deliver the max percentage mix, which is 4%.
To reduce break risks. I think it's very true because when cold engine smokes a lot

I did not find any other french biker with a Jollymoto on his HVA.
In France, JM are installed on old racing bikes like Suzuki RGV or Honda NSR.
That's why i'm coming here to find advices on set-up as Jollymoto didn't give me any one...

In addition, parkings here makes me dreaming...
Lot of amazing 125 supermotard very rare in France : TM, HM, KTM...

Will enjoy this forum I think
12010887 Inviato: 20 Giu 2011 21:19

you'll need to study italian, I think 0509_up.gif
12011165 Inviato: 20 Giu 2011 22:07

Husky1992 ha scritto:
you'll need to study italian, I think 0509_up.gif

sono d'accordo 0509_up.gif icon_xd_2.gif
12012780 Inviato: 21 Giu 2011 10:22

Spostato nella sezione "internazionale"... 0509_up.gif
12035145 Inviato: 25 Giu 2011 13:06


I bring my bike to the garage today for solve the ECU error code.
Get it back during afternoon.

Will improve carburettor set-up after that.
It's too rich now.

Is there any power restriction for bikes in Italia ?

Photos will come soon
12035481 Inviato: 25 Giu 2011 14:33

yes, the same as yours, at 16yo you can drive max 125cc and 11kw, but almost all unblock their bikes to have more fun, then at 18 you can drive all bikes under 25kw, after two years you can get all bikes
12035544 Inviato: 25 Giu 2011 14:59

Husky1992 ha scritto:
yes, the same as yours, at 16yo you can drive max 125cc and 11kw, but almost all unblock their bikes to have more fun, then at 18 you can drive all bikes under 25kw, after two years you can get all bikes

Yes, i quote icon_asd.gif icon_asd.gif
12035553 Inviato: 25 Giu 2011 15:03

Exactly the same rules than in France.

I have heard that it might be 2 igniton curves in the ECU for SM-S since 2007, those with the Dell Orto ECS system.
It is very hard to find some information about that in France, but maybe in Italia you have study that system more than us.

By the way, my TPS sensor is broke.
Wait for the new one...
12036157 Inviato: 25 Giu 2011 18:37

there are no alternative ignition curves for the ecu
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