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motorcycle meeting in Faro, Portugal
10227498 Inviato: 14 Lug 2010 14:31
Oggetto: motorcycle meeting in Faro, Portugal

Hello guys

This meeting will be held between 15 and 18 July, and itīs the single largest motorbike gather event of all europe. Something between 24.000 and 30.000 bikes expected from all over the place.

I know you guys are far away, but if any versys (or kawasaki) owners are showing up lets get together!

My email is nnex@yahoo.com

The site event yearly organized by Faro motorbike club

Link a pagina di Motoclubefaro.pt

all welcome of course!


10227626 Inviato: 14 Lug 2010 14:44

i went, it was fantastic!! 0509_doppio_ok.gif

wait that a mod. change ''room'' for the post, because this isn't correct! icon_wink.gif
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