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Hello, I`ve got some questions about FP parts
2470061 Inviato: 13 Set 2007 18:46
Oggetto: Hello, I`ve got some questions about FP parts

Hi italian-stallions.

I dont know if it is ok to speak english in this forum, but ill give it a shoot. im sorry i cant speak italian.

To the case: I was wondering where you guys get your FP kits new? And how much will it cost?

I am mostly thinking of the MP01 exhaust and a complete rave exhaust valve.

Anyone who got some links to me with Aprilia RS 125 parts? It would be really much appreciated!

2470108 Inviato: 13 Set 2007 18:52

hi, the new fp kits costs about 500€, i don't know if you can buy it in internet, for buy it you must go to mechanical icon_wink.gif

sorry my english, it isn't perfect icon_smile.gif
2470265 Inviato: 13 Set 2007 19:07

As Alex said i don't know if you can order it via internet at the moment, but you can give it a try: go on the Aprilia official site, look for italian official Aprilia dealers and phone them icon_smile.gif

By the way it costs around 500€ without labour. You should be able to find it also in a ufficial Aprilia dealer near you. icon_wink.gif
2470282 Inviato: 13 Set 2007 19:09

Hi, if you want to buy the complete FP kit, you can ask for it at your confidence aftermarket store or at an Aprilia Dealer. I really don't know if the FP kit is sold by the internet, but you can also try by searching for it on E-Bay or similar sites dedicated to E-Shopping.

Here is a complete FP Kit in sale.

See you around.
2470388 Inviato: 13 Set 2007 19:17

Thanks for answers.

Ive allready looked at that one, POWO, and I was wondering:
Is it only one item, or is he dealing many? The price is increasing all the time, its no "Buy now" ?

I found this kit:
Link a pagina di Cgi.ebay.it

The price is nice, but he only sends to Italy. icon_cry.gif

The Aprilia-dealers in this area is VERY over-priced, therefor i thought it would be better to buy directly from Italy (Since the Aprilia is being manufactored there).

Again, thanks for answers. Its really nice to see some english in all the italian words. icon_biggrin.gif
2471048 Inviato: 13 Set 2007 20:19

In the auction that I linked, the dealer wrote:

"Prezzo al pubblico nella rete ufficiale 236€ + IVA
Qui per Voi in asta a partire da 100€
o compralo Subito a 230€ con un risparmio di oltre 50€"

"Public price in official network 236 € + Tax
Here for you in this auction starts from 100 €
or Buy Now at 230 € with a saving more than 100 €"

But I really don't know if he has only this kit or many others, you may ask him. The second kit is complete of exhaust but it costs a little bit more that Aprilia Dealers, 372 € in auction against 360 € in stores. Maybe he can send the kit in your country with a price increase. Another time, ask him.

2471709 Inviato: 13 Set 2007 21:30

Anyway be aware that you'll need the whole kit to get your Aprilia to full power: so you need to have the exhaust and the rave valve kit.
2472142 Inviato: 13 Set 2007 22:22

Yes, I am aware of that.

Thanks for all answers! icon_smile.gif

edit: Btw, anyone know how to buy a new front like this?

immagini visibili ai soli utenti registrati

And this single heck?

immagini visibili ai soli utenti registrati

2472291 Inviato: 13 Set 2007 22:44

You can buy the single heck in every part shop, and about the front... I think that's a fine work made by a good usage of vtr.
2472405 Inviato: 13 Set 2007 23:11

Oh really? Do you have an internet adress?

2472535 Inviato: 14 Set 2007 0:09

You can try on e-bay.... an other I don't know.... sorry icon_wink.gif
The english language is very accept icon_wink.gif
2476332 Inviato: 14 Set 2007 14:09

Bonnis ha scritto:
Oh really? Do you have an internet adress?


Of course... click me. That heck is completely in VTR and it's white, so you can colour it like your desire.
2476486 Inviato: 14 Set 2007 14:20

POWO ha scritto:
Bonnis ha scritto:
Oh really? Do you have an internet adress?


Of course... click me. That heck is completely in VTR and it's white, so you can colour it like your desire.

But it isn't the correct model...It's for Rs Chesterfield
2482164 Inviato: 15 Set 2007 11:21

Si è tedesco... Can you speak only english?
2486487 Inviato: 16 Set 2007 9:25

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