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Vendo Centralina+kit Flashtune Yamaha-Flashtune del 2011 (RM)
14972589 Inviato: 13 Mag 2014 7:46
Oggetto: Vendo Centralina+kit Flashtune Yamaha-Flashtune del 2011 (RM)

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MarcaCentralina+kit Flashtune
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Prezzoeuro 700 trattabili
Vendo per inutilizzo, causa cambio moto, centralina Yamaha R1 2009-11 + kit riprogrammazione FLASH tune, qui sotto elencato caratteristiche del kit. you can Unleash Your ECU in 7 Easy Steps! Step 1: Select your base map (3 base maps are currently included) Step 2: Select your Ycc-T throttle map settings Step 3: Select your desired fuel map bias Step 4: Select your desired Engine Braking Step 5: Import a fuel map file Step 6: Choose your options (bypass EURO immobilizer, lower fan temps) Step 7: Flash the ECU! This Interface will flash any ECU from the following models! 09-11 Yamaha R1 2012 Yamaha R1 This Interface allows you to easily adjust the following! Ycc-t Throttle Restrictions Engine Braking Fuel Map Bias High Load Fuel Maps (with PC3 and PC5 map importing) Low Load (cruising) Fuel Maps Fuel Injector Proportioning Ignition Timing Immobilizer Function Cooling Fan Temps Rev-Limiter Control Remove Top Speed Limiter YCC-I RPM Control Idle Speed Adjustment ECU Based Quick-shifting Steering Damper FI code Default to A-mode and new features are added regularly...

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