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Hello from austria and question Fantic caballero
13860554 Inviato: 19 Ott 2012 15:40

FanticCaba ha scritto:
1) Maybe the holes you made are too big for an original 50cc
2) Restricted exhaust? Why?
3)Why did you change the jet? Wasn't it fine before?

1) Holes drilled to 20mm (there were the marks were)
2) I got 2 exhauts with my bike one with a restrictor and one withe no restrictor
3) because a 72 jet ist to small, 105jet is better fpr the engine more air=more fuel
13999589 Inviato: 14 Dic 2012 22:03

now exhaust is decatet and it runs perfekt icon_biggrin.gif
13999621 Inviato: 14 Dic 2012 22:18


Some photos?
14001481 Inviato: 16 Dic 2012 11:42

buy a big one racing or a dapp motor exhaust (drp)
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