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Ting'avert (IT) - Bukowina MC (RO)
8885366 Inviato: 21 Nov 2009 6:58
Oggetto: Ting'avert (IT) - Bukowina MC (RO)

Hello friends!
Great idea with this international forum and with the opportunity for all of us to easily communicate.
As many of you already know (or not yet), we'll try to discuss here and start some sort of brotherhood between our clubs, which could be in everybody's benefit. However, it would be great to start to know each other here, online, even that some of us have already met in person several times and consider themselves good friends. 0509_doppio_ok.gif

P.S.1. This idea is not new, it has been posted on this forum right after our first bikers meeting, in 2007, by Fil "La presenza di una delegazione del MC Bukowina al nostro prossimo raduno di Casina, potrebbe essere l'occasione per siglare un gemellaggio ufficiale tra i due club... per sottolineare che una passione forte come la nostra non si ferma di fronte ai 2000 km che ci separano." 0509_up.gif
P.S.2. Ciao Filippo, Luca, Adriano, Davide, Silvia, Sega, Ricardo etc etc and all the guys I don't know the names cause I'm getting old doppio_lamp.gif
8887454 Inviato: 21 Nov 2009 18:30

Hi Chif!! It's great to read from you, my friend! 0509_doppio_ok.gif
As for the brotherhood between our clubs, Luca and I have already discussed it with Davide, the adiministrator of this site that you met in Casina 2 years ago. I don't have any e-mail address to contact Bobi or Florin, it would be nice if they had to join us here too. We just need to settle all the details and make it official, but for us there's already a special link between our groups, so it won't take long to have everything done. Davide is preparing an official article about it. 0509_up.gif
I'm looking forward to see you... !! Give Ana a big hug from me 0510_abbraccio.gif (but not too strong)!
8887614 Inviato: 21 Nov 2009 19:05

Hello chif,
it's nice for us to meet you on this forum!
I hope to know you at the next Tinga's meetings.
Bye Bye...

P.s.: I think I have to exercise my english language... icon_lol.gif
8899750 Inviato: 24 Nov 2009 8:39

Hi Chif 0510_saluto.gif

Luca and Fil explained me the idea for the brotherhood and i'm very pleased for this.

Together with your suggestions we will think the way to make this brotherhood very interesting for you and for our users.

Thank you again 0510_saluto.gif doppio_lamp.gif
8902771 Inviato: 24 Nov 2009 18:26

To let everybody understand the real meaning of this topic, I'd like to write here, briefly, the story of the relationship between Ting'Avert and Bukowina Motor Club.
In August 2007, together with Puppet, I took a long tour around the north east of Europe. A couple of weeks before leaving, I looked on the web for a meeting in eastern Europe on the third weekend of August, since we were passing by that area, without a specific destination, and I thought it would have been nice to attend a foreign meeting and meet foreign bikers. I found one in the north east of Romania… not just exactly on our route (our plan was to come from the Baltic Republics and than through Poland), but close enough. So I wrote an email to the team organizing the event. I had a reply from a guy named Bogdan, who explained me that it was the first edition of their meeting and he would have really been glad to have people coming there from Italy. He had been really kind and helpful with me: he sent me a map with the indications to find the meeting and his mobile number in case I needed help. A couple of weeks after I had a further evidence of this guy’s helpful attitude when I texted him an SMS from Finland, two days before reaching his meeting, telling him I needed to replace my back tyre and asking to find out a new one for me, possibly cheap. He did a fantastic job: even if he was busy arranging the meeting, Bogdan found the time to look for the tyre and to offer me three different options at different prices. I was really amazed and pleased by his kindness. The meeting was great, we had a fantastic time together: the surrounding landscape was beautiful, they played fantastic music, served fantastic food, there was a lot of alcohol… but most of all, we met really fantastic people! First of all Bogdan, that is registered on this forum under the nickname of Chif, but together with him we met dozens of fantastic guys. Both Puppet and me swore we would have come back. And we did, at the second and also at the third edition. And until I’ll be able to ride a bike, I’ll go to the Bukowina meeting every summer. And not just we went back there… in June 2008, Chif with his girlfriend Ana Maria, together with two friends from the Motor Club, Lorin and Doni, have come to our Tinga meeting in Casina! They brought Davide a flag of their club as a present… it was fantastic, the beginning of our official brotherhood.
On the first edition of the Bukowina Meeting we where in three Tinga members, on the second in four, and on the third, this year, we where in seven. It’s not bad, considering that the meeting is at about 1400 km from the closest Italian border.
Going there, I discovered Romania and Romanian people. It really gets on my nerves when some Italian asks me “Are you seriously going with your bike in Romania? Isn’t it dangerous?”… I’ve heard this kind of prejudicial questions so many times… but still I’m not used to it. I wish everyone could go to that fantastic country, Romania, and meet this people. This friends.
8906515 Inviato: 25 Nov 2009 12:35

Nice trip!!!
When will the next 2010 Bukovina Meeting be?
8907810 Inviato: 25 Nov 2009 16:07

nitron ha scritto:
Nice trip!!!
When will the next 2010 Bukovina Meeting be?

If they are not going to change the "tradition", I would guess it will take place somewhere around Radauti next August, from Friday 13 to Sunday 15. Is it correct, Chif? But I would bet that if you will come to Casina next June, you will be able to meet some of the Bukowina Club members! 0509_up.gif
8907977 Inviato: 25 Nov 2009 16:39

20-22 of August 2010. This is our new date. It's official&posted on our national schedule. doppio_lamp.gif
8909046 Inviato: 25 Nov 2009 19:24

chif ha scritto:
20-22 of August 2010. This is our new date. It's official&posted on our national schedule. doppio_lamp.gif

Ouch... how comes you change date? It will be harder for Italians to come there a week later, as you know traditionally we close our businesses the two weeks around August 15, so the majority of us has to be back to work from Monday 23. I suppose you had good reasons for that, in any case we just stay with what you decide, of course! 0509_up.gif
I fear it will be the same date of Pippo Zanini's meeting... eusa_wall.gif eusa_wall.gif
Ok, I'll do my best to come anyway, at least for one day (Friday) as I did this year! icon_wink.gif
8970696 Inviato: 7 Dic 2009 19:20

Hi Chif!!!

Finally our Club created this international page, and most of all finally we are going to make the brotherhood an official thing! Hope to see you soon, I'll do my best to be at Radauti next year!
9023370 Inviato: 18 Dic 2009 16:25

Hello guys, very good ideea opening this section on your forum.
The first thing is to say sorry for messing up yout summer schedule by postponing our meeting one week later. It was a financial decision (as you know, the same weekend ware to take place two big religious encounters and the sponsors were leting us down). I hope to see there, either you are one bike or 100.
The second thing, as i told Luca and Fellipe, me personaly and my wife Cristina will be in june in Casina. I hope, to bring with me, at least 4 or 6 members of Bukowina Motor Club. By the way, what is the exact date of the meeting in june?
Now, about the brotherhood. As we talked in august in Radauti, is all about riding motorbikes and meeting and making friends. As official acts of making a brotherhood, is making a link exchange on our websites, creating a banner and making some t-shirts. But the most important thing is about MAKING FRIENDS and HELPING FRIENDS.
It's ok, that Davide is preparing an official statemant, we'll do the same. We'll also finish our new website somewhere around the end of january and we'll prepare of section dedicated to Ting'Avert.
So, in august Luca, gave me, his address and phone number, and told me to post it on our forum. So, I'll do the same. For all members and friends of Ting'Avert Moto Club, a guy in Romania, can help you with garage, food, drinks, technical assistance and tips on routes. I live in Tg. Mures, a city exactly in center of Romania.

Abitei Augustin (Bobi)

I salute everyone in Ting'Avert, hoping to have a great Christmass near your close ones.
Keep in touch.
9023458 Inviato: 18 Dic 2009 16:44

Hi Bobi, finally you joined our community too!!! 0509_doppio_ok.gif
Don't worry for the date of your meeting, we have plenty of time to organize the trip, we're not going to miss it!! 0509_up.gif
As for our meeting in Casina, it will be on June 12 -13! icon_wink.gif
As we said last August, you can count on myself and Luca for helping any biker that wishes to come to visit our country. You should already have my e-mail address, otherwise you can take it from this forum, under my signature. Now we also have this international section on this forum where you can send any Romanian biker that needs information about Italy.
Take care, my friend!!! 0510_five.gif
9024544 Inviato: 18 Dic 2009 19:27

Salut Bobi!!! 0509_welcome.gif

I'm very very happy to meet you on our forum, and very proud to be, with Filippo, a friend of you and of your bike brotherhood!

Of course we will meet at Casina, and of course I'll do all I can (as last year and the year before and the year before the year before... 0509_si_picchiano.gif ) to be in Radauti next year. The fellowship is now not only a romantic Idea, but THE REAL THING, as, you know, were at Mirchea's house and Adrian's (Dedea... maybe you know him even if he's from Nasaud) house last summer and winter, and I hosted Adi at my place this autumn.

Now (I know) It's time for all of you to keep your bikes in a warm and fluffy place for the winter, on the contrary I can dare the ice and snow as here the weather is warmer uah uah uah 0509_pernacchia.gif , but the spring will come back again, with a lot of places to visit and a lot of tires to burn!

See you at Casina!
9029552 Inviato: 19 Dic 2009 22:45

Hi chif!

Are you Romanian?

I'm from Brasov...but I live in Italy....

Do you speak italian or romanian language?

Your enterprise is very beautiful.

I would like to meet you...all the guys...but I have only 50cc motorbike...In a few years we will see.

Bye bye!!
9034827 Inviato: 21 Dic 2009 11:39

mada ha scritto:
Hi chif!

Are you Romanian?

I'm from Brasov...but I live in Italy....

Do you speak italian or romanian language?

Your enterprise is very beautiful.

I would like to meet you...all the guys...but I have only 50cc motorbike...In a few years we will see.

Bye bye!!

Chif lives now in Canada, but he is Romanian, from Radauti (Suceava)... so I guess he does speak Romanian! icon_mrgreen.gif
Nice to meet you, mada!! Don't worry, is not the size of the engine that makes a biker a great biker... 0509_doppio_ok.gif
Where do you live in Italy? icon_biggrin.gif
9035380 Inviato: 21 Dic 2009 13:38

FilippoCaliari ha scritto:

Chif lives now in Canada, but he is Romanian, from Radauti (Suceava)... so I guess he does speak Romanian! icon_mrgreen.gif
Nice to meet you, mada!! Don't worry, is not the size of the engine that makes a biker a great biker... 0509_doppio_ok.gif
Where do you live in Italy? icon_biggrin.gif


I live in La Spezia, Liguria, I came to Italy 5 years ago.

And Before i lived in Brasov,Transilvania, land of Dracula icon_asd.gif icon_asd.gif
9044394 Inviato: 23 Dic 2009 3:54

Hi guys,
Bobi promised that he'll take care of the new site soon icon_biggrin.gif We could continue afterwards with a site links exchange and real big flags exchange as well (when we will come to your meeting next year).
Besides that, I'm sure that everybody can't wait for the winter holidays. I wish you all the best, Merry Christmas and enjoy your grapa.
@Luca, Fil ... don't loose your drinking training, at least you (cause I'm loosing mine... these canadians drink like pussies). If anyone needs palinka, Bobi is right in the middle of the field. In Tg.Mures palinka is growing in trees and is running thru anyone's veins icon_twisted.gif
@Madalina: yes, Fil is right (he knows everything), I'm romanian and yes, the cm3 (cc) don't matter. The 2 wheels experience is more important than that. Keep it on and come to Tinga meetings to meet these fantastic guys. I would say that though, after many years, the size does matter and the bikes could be compared to the boobs, they are never too big! icon_asd.gif
9045083 Inviato: 23 Dic 2009 11:20

chif ha scritto:
Hi guys,

@Madalina: yes, Fil is right (he knows everything), I'm romanian and yes, the cm3 (cc) don't matter. The 2 wheels experience is more important than that. Keep it on and come to Tinga meetings to meet these fantastic guys. I would say that though, after many years, the size does matter and the bikes could be compared to the boobs, they are never too big! icon_asd.gif

0509_si_picchiano.gif 0509_si_picchiano.gif 0509_si_picchiano.gif

ps. Yes...I'm Madalin.... 0510_amici.gif icon_asd.gif icon_asd.gif
9046095 Inviato: 23 Dic 2009 14:20

9114368 Inviato: 7 Gen 2010 13:45

Last summer, on the 3rd edition of the Bukowina Meeting, together with our Ting'Avert group there was some friends of us from Bulgaria. Well, they are probably going to join us for the meeting in Casina next June, too! 0509_doppio_ok.gif
We really are becoming more and more international... icon_mrgreen.gif
9121037 Inviato: 8 Gen 2010 15:39

Hello guys
I`m Niki from Sofia and i have been on the last Bukowina Meeting, but unfortunately I spend only one day there and i miss the main party. I hope that this year I`ll meet you at Casina and after that will be great pleasure for me to join you at Bukowina Meeting again.
See you soon and drive safe!!!!
9121108 Inviato: 8 Gen 2010 15:47

Hi Niki!!
I'm glad to see that you finally decided to join our forum! 0509_doppio_ok.gif 0509_welcome.gif
I really hope you'll come to Casina next June... it would be fantastic to have you all here! 0509_up.gif
9146306 Inviato: 12 Gen 2010 22:24

Hello to everyone. Hoping you have had a great holidays.
Hello Nikito, i can't wait to meet all of you (also our italians brothers) in june in Casina and afterwards in august in Radauti.
9146456 Inviato: 12 Gen 2010 22:40

Hi Bobi!!
We had a very great time here with Nikito, he came from Bulgaria to spend the new year in Italy.
I'm really looking forward to meet you all! How's it going there in Bukowina? Do you have a lot of snow now?
9146552 Inviato: 12 Gen 2010 22:51

I'got a friend in Cluj and he told me it's something like -20°... 0510_inchino.gif 0510_inchino.gif 0510_inchino.gif
9146622 Inviato: 12 Gen 2010 23:00

Bobi, I haven't heard anything about Lorin... when we met him in August he was still walking with the crutches, after the accident with that chopper bike. Is he ok now?
9206555 Inviato: 24 Gen 2010 14:26

puppet ha scritto:
I'got a friend in Cluj and he told me it's something like -20°... 0510_inchino.gif 0510_inchino.gif 0510_inchino.gif

-27° in Radauti last night icon_smile.gif
9207148 Inviato: 24 Gen 2010 16:21

dare50 ha scritto:

-27° in Radauti last night icon_smile.gif

Welcome Dare!!!

-27??? 0510_sad.gif 0510_sad.gif 0510_sad.gif well... start the engine of your bike and embrace it!!! rotfl.gif rotfl.gif rotfl.gif
9208130 Inviato: 24 Gen 2010 19:15

Hey guys!
I'm about to forget what's that -27C icon_asd.gif Indeed, it's COLD. My lowest temperature I used to "breath" in Radauti was -35C a few years ago.
Now, I'm in the warmest region of Canada and it's about 6-10C, in wintertime! Far north it's between -30 and -47C though.
What's the news guys??
I'm posting here some pics and a link Link a pagina di Motociclism.ro from the Vancouver 2010 moto-show, if interested...

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9209962 Inviato: 24 Gen 2010 23:47

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