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Ten Little Motorcyclists
8125389 Inviato: 17 Lug 2009 22:46
Oggetto: Ten Little Motorcyclists

Trovato in un newsgroup di quasi una dozzina di anni fa icon_wink.gif
Lo lascio in inglese.

Subject: ten little motorcyclists
Date: Thu, 26 Mar 1998 01:20:47 +1200
From: Steve Birkhead <birkhead@es.co.nz>
Organization: The Internet Group (Dunedin)
Newsgroups: aus.motorcycles

I found this on one of my travels  and liked it , I dont know if any one
has seen it before, if so just ignore it

Ten Little Motorcyclists

10 little motorcyclists, cruising down the line.
One had a heavy hand, and then there were 9.
Speed limits are set for your safety.

9 little motorcyclists, the hour was getting late.
One dozed a moment, then there were 8.
A tired rider is a dangerous rider.

8 little motorcyclists, and the evening seemed like heaven.
One "showed his riding skills," and then there were 7.
Ride sensibly and sanely at all times.
A motorcycle is no place for a clown.

7 little motorcyclists, their lives were full of kicks.
One brought a bottle, and then there were 6.
Gasoline and alcohol are a deadly mix.
Never drink and ride.

6 little motorcyclists, impatient to arrive.
One jumped a traffic light, and then there were 5.
Don't gamble years of your life to save a second.

5 little motorcyclists, touring near the shore.
One viewed the scenery, and then there were 4.
Careful riding demands alertness at all times.

4 little motorcyclists, happy as can be.
One passed on a hill, and then there were 3.
Never pass another vehicle when your vision is obscured.

3 little motorcyclists, were busy, it's true.
One neglected bike repairs, and then there were 2.
For safety's sake, always keep your motorcycle in top condition.

2 little motorcyclists, and the day was nearly done.
One didn't dim his lights, and then there was 1.
Slow down in dusk or darkness.
Adjust your riding to existing conditions.

1 little motorcyclists is still alive today.
By following the safety rules,
He hopes to stay that way!

Sorry, but no source was given or I would pass the credit along.

           _  /--------\  _
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           =(    |__|    )=
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           89 YAMAHA XJ600

  Ulysses(NZ) #3759
  ICQ #725317
  The older I get, The better I waz


8125561 Inviato: 17 Lug 2009 23:12

un newsgroup?? non ne ricordavo più nemmeno l'esistenza icon_smile.gif
8125579 Inviato: 17 Lug 2009 23:15

Maurolive ha scritto:
un newsgroup?? non ne ricordavo più nemmeno l'esistenza icon_smile.gif

...perché essendo del '98 non è abbastanza vecchio per essere definito una BBS su rete FIDONET cui collegarsi tramite ACCOPPIATORE ACUSTICO icon_wink.gif

Ciao da Daniele, classe '70 0510_abbraccio.gif
12548393 Inviato: 14 Ott 2011 8:13

Posso ritirare su questo topic? icon_wink.gif
12549833 Inviato: 14 Ott 2011 15:00

Molto carina questa filastrocca, non l'avevo mai letta, divertente anche se fa un po' grattare tie.gif icon_mrgreen.gif

Sono tutte regole ancora più che valide 0509_up.gif

12549868 Inviato: 14 Ott 2011 15:10

Sì, rimanere l'ultimo esemplare di motociclista sulla terra non è proprio il massimo icon_asd.gif
12621197 Inviato: 31 Ott 2011 23:27

Bellissima, era un pezzo che la cercavo e non riuscivo piu` a trovarla!
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