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Foto Marc De Reuver a Soutwich -

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De Reuver a Soutwich
5412713 Inviato: 20 Ago 2008 14:54
Oggetto: De Reuver a Soutwich

Via va la che dò un pò di notizie di quelle che contano, infatti Marc De Reuver correrà nella prova ama con l'honda di Townley:

Q: Next weekend (August 24) you’re doing an AMA National on another sand track, Southwick. What’s the idea behind this American adventure?

A: I have actually raced there before with Joël Smets (note: De Reuver raced the 125 class in 2001, when he came 16th and 30th). When I looked at the calendar this year it struck me that there was an opportunity to do Southwick again, because I didn’t have any racing on. Through Honda Europe they arranged a bike for me with Honda US. I will be riding the CR-F 450 of Ben Townley who is injured. Hopefully I can make the podium in Southwick. Or is that aiming too high, I’m not really sure? At least I get the impression that apart from “Superman” James Stewart I can beat any American in the sand. It’s going to be fun anyhow. I will be leaving already this Saturday, because I remember that I suffered jetlag in 2001 when I left very late.
Fonte: Link a pagina di Mxlarge.com
5413924 Inviato: 20 Ago 2008 17:57

Ma non sono l'unico che si interessa a queste cose allora icon_mrgreen.gif icon_mrgreen.gif Bella master!

E forza Calimero che lo fai nero a stewart (pessima battuta) ahah
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